William Gearty
Author of 6 CRAN packages
William Gearty has worked on 6 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, William Gearty is on a mission. William Gearty has collaborated with 17 other authors. That's a huge network of talent—imagine all those lines of communication and brilliant ideas flying around!
6 Packages
- deeptimePlotting Tools for Anyone Working in Deep Time
- deeptimedataGeologic Pattern Data from FGDC Used in 'deeptime'
- palaeoversePrepare and Explore Data for Palaeobiological Analyses
- rmacrostratFetch Geologic Data from the 'Macrostrat' Platform
- rphylopicGet Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic
- rredlist'IUCN' Red List Client